
Showing posts from January, 2014

Why do I even do this?

Why the fuck do I like you? Reasons: 1. You broke one of my barriers 2. You can fucking read my body language 3. You are fucking honest 4. Because I thought I had a chance Why should I hate you? Reasons: 1. You're a fucking asshole 2. You're obnoxious 3. You fucking don't care for people's feelings 4. You always believe that you're right 5. You believe that looks come before personality 6. You're a fucking racist 7. You don't give people a chance 8. Because I've come to realise that you'll never give me a chance So screw you!! adioz ~shakti~ Note to self: Read this as often as possible when dealing with Mr.Asshole..

Why do people go back to their exes?

The reason why people go back to their exes; is because they are NOT getting they attention that they wanted from their current love interest It's simple as that. Why else would anyone go back to their ex, knowing very well that they will be hurt again? adioz ~shakti~