
Showing posts from October, 2013

Take a deep breath!

I realised that I had stopped doing a lot of things that I loved to do. Stuff that I really had the passion for it...not because I wanted to stop...but because I felt more pain than joy for doing it. Because it felt forced, not by my need to do it. Because every time I did it, it reminded me of the happier times, that I knew I will never get back. Hence, I stopped. But for some reason...I've been getting reminders of what I used to do and how I used to be for the past one week. Maybe it is a sign to pick up the broken pieces of my shattered dreams...Time to bring back the lost dreamer in me again... adioz ~shakti~

completely clueless...again!

Oh the LORD!!! why why why?? just when i think i have sorted myself out...and bam! then comes another prob/issue/situation/whatever you name it to come and bug my life... Why this KOLAVERI?? bleagghh... mini updates: 1) new sem has started, almost half way thru and i'm still struggling with the schedule (dammit woman! 6 weeks in and i still feel like its the 2nd week =_=) 2) i've failed a subject last sem, and previous sems before...and the outlook doesnt look good this sem either...yet :( 3) i still feel soooo clutterfied...with so many things not just in my room, but in my head too... the room clutter doesnt help either... 4) my dear ex is sooooo overly attached with me (i think!) - does more than 2 calls a week count? cos that's what he's doing...and that its annoying me. (WE BROKE UP! Get that in your head you douche!) 5) oh yeah, i'm failing in my assignments too :( (talk about being messed up) 6) i'm ending this list here. i do