
Showing posts from February, 2015
Why do I even bother? Just when I thought I'm okay, and boom!  The past knocks and drops by to say hello... How is this even possible? Why the fuck does it even happen? I just don't get this...why the fuck are you even concerned with what I post? It's not like I'm in your life. Why? So what if I post stuff that has some political connotations? It's not like it has anything to do with you And then you tell me that you're going to get married soon. What's your point in that anyways? It's not like you ever understood me or my feelings. And just as you came, you just disappeared. WHY? I hate you! For all the good times and the fact that I could never tell you how I truly felt. Fuck you! :'(

Hey you :)

Conversations of the Deep For some reason, I'm missing you today. More than usual... I don't know if you've read anything I write. But I sure hope you haven't and won't. If you do, hmmm...please just don't ask me anything. I don't think I'd be able to face you knowing that you have read this :/ I know I'm being silly...I just can’t bring myself to send a message to you. I'm scared that you will know think that I'm desperate or something. And also that you'll know that I'm missing you. Yeah, ultra silly but it still doesn't take away that fear. Hence, I'm writing to you here instead. Why do I miss you? That, I'm not sure. I guess I just miss talking with you, or spending time with you. In some way or other, you seem to keep me grounded. And you help me alleviate the constant fears that I have in me. No doubt I'm currently feeling at my most insecure but I feel like I don’t have to hide it from you.