
Showing posts from September, 2014

Why you?

Why you? Of all the people I could have fallen for, I fell for you. It just doesn't make sense. Why did I fall for you? I was not attracted to you at first. So what changed? I wonder if my mind was becoming unhinged? Was it your kind eyes? Which always twinkled whenever you smile? Or was it your dimples? Which complemented on either sides of your smile?

letter in progress...

Hey you :) I figured this is the best way to say/write what I really feel about you... And I just can’t bring myself to ruin the beautiful friendship that we have now by actually telling it to you. The reason is b ecause whenever I see you in person, I feel happy. Not the butterflies in my stomach happiness but genuine happiness. It’s just that when I'm with you, there's nowhere I’d rather to be. Although I have no idea how you feel about me, I've finally realised about how I feel about you. So here goes... When I first got to know you, I found a friend. Someone who I could truly speak to or just be myself. Not just the mundane stuff...but deeper conversations. Stuff that I never really get to talk with anyone else and feel that they understand what I am thinking. But you did. Yes, we had differing opinions on the topics, but we could agree to disagree. And what I really liked was that you respected my opinions. Even then, I had no feelings at all for you. Or at