Eroding Lines...

reality vs dreams...
i had once said to myself that alternating between dreams n reality is fine..
as long as the lines between those two are defined...

but the problem now is..
that i can feel n see that the line is blurring...
slowly...but surely...

and i am not liking this at all...

especially when staying in the dreamspace feels more..'live-able'
when compared to my reality...

when i'm in my reality...
im faced with all my problems...
and heartaches...

but in my dreamspace...
none of these exist...
no worries..
no responsibilities..
only imaginations...*and possibility of random remnants of my experiences as well*

basically...nothing else...
and the comfortable feeling of woozi-ness..
which i can only achieve it when i'm in my sleep mode..

endlessness in dreamspace is also scary..
when the outcome is always uncertain..
where u never know if that is the reality or not...
unless if u wake up...

what if u dont wake?
that's the scariest of all..

and i'm afraid..
very afraid that one day i may wish to never wake...
from my dreamspace...



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