Thursday, March 3, 2011

bored as hell...

now that i am back at home...
for good unfortunately...
i've been feeling seriously, seriously bored...

i know i have tons of stuff to do...
but somehow or rather...i either get side-tracked or end up just not doing them at all...
it's like 'why do i even need to do this?' kinda feeling...
it feels like there is no point...
when i'm not gonna be here anyways...

like work for instance...
there's abt only 2 months or less left...
and my dad has asked me to look for a job...
it's pretty tough when u know u're gonna leave pretty soon...

and then there's my room...
which is of course a perpetual mess...
but of course...i have to clean it up and leave it spick n span so that i wont have trouble whenever i come back home...if u call this home anyways...
refer to my other blog if u wanna know whats bugging me...

oh's a b*tch they say...
i think for's a freaking mess...
and that's all i can think off for now...


p.s. i did get to meet up with mr.someone again ;)
was a gud one

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To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life anymore. Seems like I'm hitting a downward spiral again. Here goes nothin...