planned getaway + adrenaline rush = awesome fun

~pix taken by la ;)

that title is sooo what happened yesterday...
forgot to mention it yesterday cos i was still sooo into the movie 3 idiots(still am ;P )

what happened yesterday was a planned outing with one of my besties...
she was supposedly going to class and moi was going to a movie with another friend in mvalley...
or so we said...

however, the actual plan was...we both were to head off to the train station and we get tickets to kl central ;P
and from there we took the lrt to dang wangi...and we landed ourselves at capsquare...hehehehe

our whole idea was to watch the movie "3 idiots"
but when we reached there...we found out the earliest they were showing that movie was at 2pm we got the tickets and had about 3 hours to kill...which we executed perfectly.... ;P checking out capsquare (it was pretty dead at that hour though), and the heading out to masjid india...where i managed to get some good bargains...after that we had our lunch in an indian restaurant...yelai saapadu(banana leaf style)....yummm

and by the time we were done...we just in time for the movie ;D

and boy, was that movie hi-larious!!!

i swear i had never laughed that loud...except maybe during the outings wif my 'kecoh' gang ;)
but yeah...this was incredible...both of us just couldnt stop laughing...and even after the movie was over...we kept 2 idiots ;P

after that, evrything went abit downhill...cos the movie finished only at meant that we had only 1 hour to get back to my friend's college...

so, instead of getting back to the train station, we had to get a taxi...we knew it would blow our pockets...but our lives thanked us for it...big time...

because of this, we managed to reach the coll almost on time (by mercilessly bugging the driver ~my frend's work)....we were abt 30 mins late, mind you...but that was better than being 1+ hour late if we had taken the train....

the whole taxi ride was a nerve wracking experience cos, we had pushed our limits to the well and having to deal with the kl traffic, and my fren's mom's was a crazy outing...

but if i ever had to go through it again...i would gladly do so...and not even change a single thing...

love my dear bestie - laven "esquared" ;)
thanks for the wonderful day...
will always cherish it ;D



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