inspired by insomnia...

~self discovery~

i'm slowly becoming an insomniac...
and i dont like it...though i used to wish i was one...(cos u had more 'awake' time...get what i mean?)
so anyways, i tried sleeping just now...
but i ended up waking up to shut off the alarm...and couldnt go back to sleep
in case ur confused...

it was abt 4.45am when i decided to go to bed
my eyes started itching like crazy
so i went n got some wet tissues to cover n soothe my eyes
i set the alarm for 5.30am so that i dont end up having wet pillows
but unfortunately/fortunately...i didnt sleep at all..

so i just shut the alarm....and came over to my laptop 'station'
and i since couldnt be stuffed studying or doing my assignment...
i decided to surf the net...and i came across one of my college mate's tumblr blog...

and it was pretty cool...esp when i see that we have so many similarities...
and her posts were pretty inspiring as well as emo abt certain things in life...
kinda like how my blogs are...

but what i envy the most is that she posts them openly...unlike me...
this is still done anonymously...*sigh*

anyhows..just felt like posting...
and thanks just made my day :)



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